My name is Collin and I cook food. One day I will do something significant with it. Until then here is what I've been up to...

Friday, August 5, 2011

welcome to my blog

With a lot of reluctance and skepticism, I (Collin Hilton) gave in to having a blog. My reluctance is not to say that I do not hold the concept of one in a high regard. It is, however, hard for me to willingly be associated with what I personally conjure up in my head when I hear the word “blog”. What I mean to say is this: more times than not, it is as if a significant majority of bloggers have an ‘egocentric alter ego’ (wrap your mind around that title) whom immerges from some parallel universe where which everyone actually wants to view all the close up shots taken in front of their bathroom mirror. Granted I cannot speak on behalf of anyone but myself... I personally am in no manner remotely fascinated by the movie you and [insert significant other’s name here] went to see last night. Nor can I muster up an inkling of interest for your pets many adorable poses you find it in. Thus, with no judgment passed on these particular style blogs, I have no intention on being the author of such a thing. Instead—without ignoring my aspiration for this to be entertaining—this will be a condensed narrative of the events happening in and around my life as I shape myself into [hopefully] a better person. That all said, allow me to assume you know little about why I have a blog.

Hi, my name is Collin Hilton and I am an exquisitely anxious human being. This being understood, it's likely no surprise to you that I habitually worry about every monotonous aspect of life. A while back, I stumbled across what I believed to be the perfect title for a blog of my own as an anxious person. It came about as I was searching on WebMD a symptom I was experiencing at the time. (Everyone undoubtedly knows, WebMD is the logical runner up for finding out an illness to the far more expensive and exclusive route of a licensed and experienced medical doctor.) As it turns out, when on the website looking up anxiety symptoms, you can select having a 'sense of impending doom’. I fell in love with this ironically dark and accurate description of anxiety and adopted it as the header to this blog. Like most things, anxiousness has proven to be both a blessing and a curse.While it stimulates some bizarre and unfortunate characteristics out of me, it has also encouraged me to become a very prepared, attentive and inquisitive individual. With this being so, it is quite apparent that I am fanatically passionate for food in all its many varieties, influences and taboos. Dealing with food is where I have found myself the most comfortable and happy. Thus, documenting my experiences as I find how to make use of this passion is the intent of this blog..
I have quite a bit of past events to write about, as well I have quite a bit of significant milestones ahead.  Stop by everyonce and a while and I will be sure to have a thing or two of interest.  Adios
Above: recent dishes of mine - Below: a little more about me